Friday, June 06, 2008


Hi my name is Dave and I am a clinical application analyst at the Hermitage Medical Clinic in Dublin, Ireland. I have worked there since February of 2008. Before moving to Ireland, I was an applications analyst in West Virginia USA where I am originally from. This blog is not affiliated with the Hermitage Clinic, all ideas expressed here are my own.

Their are several good resources on the internet for health care related software, I want to collect these in one place. I hope this will help others who are starting out or trying to develop their skills. I also want to show my reports to others so that I might get feedback and develop my own skills.

I will write posts of thing I find of interest, or things I happen to work on.

Most of the subject matter will be:
* Meditech NPR reports
* Meditech Attributes
* Meditech rules
* HL7 interfaces
* Scripting of data into Meditech
* Other data analysis techniques

If you have anything to add to a post please leave comments, or me if you would like me to write on a specific subject.

Thank you for coming and I hope this is of some help to you.
-Dave .

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Blogger Brennan said...

Hi Dave, just wanted to leave a quick thank you for what you've posted. I'm trying to get started with this and am finding it a little hard to teach myself without any way to use the program, since I'm not in a job that is in the medical industry. I have some training PDFs that I got from someone in the field, but still not as easy as it could be. Do you have any tips?

July 27, 2015 at 7:27 AM  

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